Go for the Afterburn!
I’ll never forget Jane
Fonda’s encouraging words, “go for the burn” while lying on my living room floor
trying to squeeze out just one more leg lift! I exercised religiously to The Jane Fonda Workout in the early
1980’s. I ‘fondly’ remember wearing a matching striped leotard and cozy leg
warmers trying to mirror the amazing woman smiling down at me as I went for the
Those days are long gone, and
workouts have evolved but some of her signature moves (clamshells anyone?)
still remain in the muscle activation and corrective portions of our
programming today!
That’s about where the
similarities end though. In the power and resistance portions of our programs we
progress to whole body multi-joint movements such as kettlebell swings and
barbell clean & jerks to illicit a different response…. Afterburn! After a session of high intensitiy resistance
training in which all the large muscle groups are recruited, we not only burn
calories at a higher rate while exercising but we continue to expend calories
at increased rates after our training session is done!
Afterburn, or excess
post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), as it is referred to in exercise
science, is a term that refers to the increase in oxygen uptake during the
recovery period following exercise. In order
for the body to recover from the disruption brought on by high intensity
interval and resistance type sessions, and restore homeostasis, it must sustain
elevated levels of metabolic processes for a period time. EPOC accounts for
some restorative physiological processes such as restoration of muscle glycogen
and muscle repair.
Some studies have found that the Afterburn
component of EPOC can have elevated effects on the resting metabolism for up to
48 hours following high intensity bouts of resistance exercise. In other words,
give it your all in the gym today and continue to reap the benefits while sitting
at work or watching the kids’ soccer game tomorrow afternoon. And NO…this is
not an excuse to skip tomorrow’s training session! Think of it this way;
today’s Afterburn piled on top of yesterdays Afterburn and so on and so on….turn
you into a fat burning machine! Remember, everything you do each day gets you
closer to achieving that big goal!
Go for the burn today and
reap the benefits of Afterburn tomorrow!
Your Coach,